
Retrieve Balance of given PublicKey

Before calling the function make sure you have the Connector object initialized.

Function Call

WalletGetBalance("Input here Base58 PublicKey");

Return value of function: WalletBalanceGetResult


Connector connect_ = new Connector("", 9091);
NodeApi.WalletBalanceGetResult balance = connect_.WalletGetBalance("4SFfA1S2xfA3BdgkTn2tK14yDhLuD11RVz78kqx35jct");

Return value of function: WalletBalanceGetResult

Output of Example

Output is printed via ObjectDumper

  Status: {APIResponse}
    Code: 0
    Message: "Success: "
  Balance: {Amount}
    Integral: 99996
    Fraction: 33347167968750000
  Delegated: null

Last updated